Monday, December 27, 2010

19. Complete 30 new arts & crafts projects with Liam (4/30).

Liam and I decided to try our hand at some handmade ornaments this year. We made two kinds. One, I bought clear plastic balls that we decorated with glitter glue on the outside, then filled some with shredded wrapping paper and the others with glitter. The other kind was pipe cleaners strung with beads and jingle bells. They were nothing special, even the ones I made looked like they were done by a 2 year old :) but we both had a lot of fun making them!

Love how Thomas snuck in on this photo! I bent most of the pipe cleaners, but Liam strung almost all of the beads and bells. The blue one front and center he made completely by himself, I never touched it.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

53. Bake cookies from scratch.

I actually completed this one twice, since I had two cookie exchanges recently. For the first exchange, I made peanut butter blossoms, which as you can kind of tell in the photo, the cookie part was dry and kept breaking. Not sure what I did wrong.

For the second exchange, I had to bake 6 dozen cookies, and I must have made them a little small because it ended up being over 7 dozen! I made chocolate mint cookies. This is only half of them (you can see more baking in the oven):

These turned out well, especially considering that my assistant's motto is "I eat dough!" :)